I really love diz song..
n i dedicated diz song to all my beloved friends..
Trouble is a friend....
Trouble he will find you, no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the morn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control...
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
Ah ooh...
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road...
He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
oh oh
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
ah ooh
How I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave,
I try, oh oh I try.....
Nice ryte?? hiii~
i wish tat u all will succeed in ur future undertakin...
come on...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Harapan Ramadan~ Anda??
taun ni.. fers time kowt langsong xposa kat umah.. sdey glaa...
mmg la dlu jarang balik umah gak.. dok jaoh.. sepang.. umah kat kodiang..
haa.. tu time foundation..
waktu kat boarding school pon sma ja.. skali skala ja balik.. tp..
[makanan disediakan] ~hehe!!
cni.. mmg la laen sgt..
fers: kena MASAK sendri.. ~ malehh.. ahak~
2nd: bila time traweh.. xmeriah cm kat mesia.. ya laa.. slalu berkumandang lagu nasyid..
ayat2 suci Al-Quran.. zikir2.. n so on.. mmg trasa kowt..
rsa tenang n best.. coz lepas traweh ad MORE!! ahahaaa~
tp.. dgn penoh harapan..
taun ni dpt solat sunat traweh sma2 ngn kawan2 sume..
insyaAllah.. biaq trasa la skit ..
wlopon dok jauh n kat ngara yg xrmai sgt umat Islam..
tp kta still buleh wat sume tue..
ni haa.. sajak dri ak.. [ciplak siap] ~kui3!!
Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat kulalui
Dengan sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula
Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintahNya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri
Tiada henti-henti
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah
Mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan
Selangkah demi selangkah...
Dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku...
Ku tempuh jua
mmg la dlu jarang balik umah gak.. dok jaoh.. sepang.. umah kat kodiang..
haa.. tu time foundation..
waktu kat boarding school pon sma ja.. skali skala ja balik.. tp..
[makanan disediakan] ~hehe!!
cni.. mmg la laen sgt..
fers: kena MASAK sendri.. ~ malehh.. ahak~
2nd: bila time traweh.. xmeriah cm kat mesia.. ya laa.. slalu berkumandang lagu nasyid..
ayat2 suci Al-Quran.. zikir2.. n so on.. mmg trasa kowt..
rsa tenang n best.. coz lepas traweh ad MORE!! ahahaaa~
tp.. dgn penoh harapan..
taun ni dpt solat sunat traweh sma2 ngn kawan2 sume..
insyaAllah.. biaq trasa la skit ..
wlopon dok jauh n kat ngara yg xrmai sgt umat Islam..
tp kta still buleh wat sume tue..
ni haa.. sajak dri ak.. [ciplak siap] ~kui3!!
Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat kulalui
Dengan sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula
Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintahNya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yang selalu membelenggu diri
Tiada henti-henti
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang lemah
Mengharungi segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan diberikan kekuatan
Ku merayu pada Tuhan diterima amalan
Selangkah demi selangkah...
Dengan rahmatMu oh Tuhanku...
Ku tempuh jua
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Da Making Of Supergirl!!
i wish i can be like diz.. insyaAllah!
Girls are not prizes to be displayed, they are not objects to be seen,
But instead,girls are flowers to be appreciated,
Come on girls,have shame, have respect,
i wish i can be like diz.. insyaAllah!
Girls are not prizes to be displayed, they are not objects to be seen,
they are not competitions to be won,
they are not unintelligent to be looked down on, they are not toys to be played with,
they are not garbage to be thrown away. But instead,
they are humans to be considered,
they are gold to be valued, they are fragile as glass to be handled carefully,
they are the important backbone to support, and they are among the smartest people in this world.
I thought living in the 21st century would change the fact that women were once leveled as animals, useless and bring disgrace. However what I thought was wrong, history does repeat itself again, but in a different and ironic way.
Come on girls,
have pride, have dignity.
For we all are supergirls,
we can bring down a whole empire, and still build a nation.
"Let your akhlak be more beautiful than a blooming garden in the middle of Spring"
AlhaMduLiLLaH Ya ALLAH.... !!
Ari ni rsa cm best laa.. ahahaa~
dpt essement.. tough gak laa.. * coz xbapa nak fhm teks yg dtuleh dlm bhasa rusia.. errrrrrrrr!
tp.. boley la tahan..
haa... lpas nie.. ak nak wat essement tu laa.. arap2 berjaya la... huhu~
naseb la dah wat draft sket tdi.. so.. it'll be quite easy laa.. i guess! ahaks~
ni haa.... disbabkan ak hepi ri ni.. so.. ak kasi tgk laa.. koleksi pics ak..
xbyk sgt laa tp.. hee~
*ni antra yg ak suka laa..*
dpt essement.. tough gak laa.. * coz xbapa nak fhm teks yg dtuleh dlm bhasa rusia.. errrrrrrrr!
tp.. boley la tahan..
haa... lpas nie.. ak nak wat essement tu laa.. arap2 berjaya la... huhu~
naseb la dah wat draft sket tdi.. so.. it'll be quite easy laa.. i guess! ahaks~
ni haa.... disbabkan ak hepi ri ni.. so.. ak kasi tgk laa.. koleksi pics ak..
xbyk sgt laa tp.. hee~
*ni antra yg ak suka laa..*
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dedicated to.. someone tat i love very much!! yaww~ |
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pic nie cm simbolik kpd kehidupan ak laa.. hnya ak ja yg fhm.. hehe! |
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Subhanallah.. cantek kan.. rsa cm di awang2an lak.. hee~ |
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woman.. is juz like a flower.. |
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ketenangan yg dicari.. sebenarnya kembali kpda Allah... |
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sambutkanlah cintaku.. ya Allah.. |
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segalanya milik Allah.. |
Mish U aLL DaMn LiKe LaA!!! ~(^_^)~
diz is my frenzs!!.. oPpPsss!! sorry dear.. my best frenzs..
soo.. plizz take a look !! heee* [cm paksa pulak kan] hohok!
dearie... my frenzs!!
U know what... u're so beautiful... so am i !! [nak prasan jugak] hehe*
I will say... "I am beautiful, you are beautiful, she is beautiful too, and they are all beautiful. We all will always look beautiful."
Then a person might ask me, "What makes you think that way? "Or the least, "Perasan...You look normal to me."
And what do you say? Isn't beauty is too subjective? Hard to identify and classify. Everyone is different."
Yeah I know...
"Beauty isn't just about the look. Beautiful person is the one with beautiful heart. The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."
"Look! She is beautiful! She is hot!. Put on some colors on your lips. You ain't look hot without make-ups, not beautiful..."
That is it. Enough! Different people with different definitions..Different people with different opinions..
Wait. If that so, how about those who were born to be "I am not beautiful" or "You are not beautiful?" Do not worry. Do a plastic surgery!
Then waste my money? No. I do not want that. Even if I'm to be the richest person in the world.. I will never do that! Insha'Allah...
"But why not?"
Because you will end up being buried like other dead people do. Then after a while your beautiful skin, look, body will no longer be the same and will no longer look the same. You are no longer beautiful! Beautiful? Hot? Ugly? Hidious? It doesn't matter anymore. So what is up with all those plastic surgery and make-ups? They are not worthy. Not at all!
"So what's 'beauty' for you then?"
"So what's 'beauty' for you then?"
Oh! Simple..."Natural pure-beauty..."
"How is that?"
My answer is: Be thankful for who you are, despite of how you looK, be thankful for what you have as Allah SWT has given you what is best for you, be thankful and stop comparing yourself with what other people have and feel enough with what you have will make you the richest person on earth..
Stop focusing on the physical (the look) and start perfecting your heart (manners). Then you will result in tranquility, trust me. Oh Muslims! We are all beautiful because we are Muslims. Beautiful by the way of Islam sees us. Beautiful by the way of Islam shapes us. Beautiful in a way Allah and his messenger wanted us to become to.
So I will say...
"You and I are beautiful. No difference..."
Because you and I are the same,
Sharing a very common thing,
Sharing the same beauty of Islam,
Sharing Islam and that we are all Muslims.
Because you and I are the same,
Sharing a very common thing,
Sharing the same beauty of Islam,
Sharing Islam and that we are all Muslims.
Islam is beautiful. Therefore, we are all beautiful, insha'Allah...
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